
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Silence 4 - My Friends

Song "My Friends", album: Silence Becomes It


  1. I was just going to say that good music seems to have been interrupted by a misguided attempt at control. Domination. The eternal quest for leadership by some who should have never BEEN leaders in the first place....
    but, no.
    The music was interrupted because I wanted to comment on how it was nice to hear some good music.
    OK, nuf said.
    Now, back to the music!

  2. there seems to be a haitus going.
    That isn't bad. It's good to assess your personal environment, whether physical or mental.
    You may not get a lot of roaming around time as you have such a great blog. A GREAT blog!
    So, in my last post, I have an e-dress to a guy named Matt Blum. probably already heard of him.
    His nudes? Real.
    His manner of photography?
    He makes them comfortable, and then also makes them laugh... and that's saying something.
    Go ahead...
    It's OK to relax and enjoy things from the world, sometimes, eh?


  3. Hey boneman, thanks for your comments in my blog. My english is bad (I wrote this with my brother's help) so I'm usually unable to answer the comments back, but they are truly appreciated (I always ask my brother to read them to me).
